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Daniela Lamas, MD

Brigham & Womens Hospital, Boston, MA

Daniela Lamas is a member of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a researcher at Ariadne Labs, a program for health systems innovation. She sees patients in the Brigham and Women’s pulmonary pre-transplant and post ICU clinics, works in the Medical Intensive Care Unit and rotates through the ventilator service at Spaulding Hospital in Cambridge. She became interested in outcomes after critical illness through writing about this topic in the lay press, and hopes that this website will help patients who have survived critical illness and their families become more prepared for what they might face.

Gerald Weinhouse, MD

Brigham & Womens Hospital, Boston, MA

Dr. Weinhouse is a full time member of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He sees outpatients at both Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute and works in the Thoracic Surgical ICU. He is a co-director of the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) service and medical director of the Respiratory Care Services and Pulmonary Function Labs. His interests are in the short and long term outcomes after critical illness.

Robert K. Rainer, JD

Co-Project Manager

In January and February of 2015, Rainer was an inpatient in two New Hampshire hospital ICUs for a total of 2 months, 4 weeks of which were spent in a coma.  Having developed a number of PICS symptoms in the months following his lengthy ICU stay, Rainer had the good fortune of being introduced to Drs. Weinhouse and Lamas, who he was told by a friend were involved both in researching and treating PICS. patients.    


Despite a limited capacity to work, because of Rainer's experience working with non-profits and his personal knowledge of what it is like to be a patient in an ICU, he was kindly offered a part-time position consulting for After the ICU.  Rainer provides advice and guidance on a number of issues which he hopes will advance the development of AICU into a meaningful resource for PICS patients.

Robert Owens, MD

University of California - San Diego

Dr. Owens is a Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine physician. His clinical practice includes attending in the Intensive Care Unit and the Sleep Medicine Clinic, where he cares for patients with a range of sleep disorders. His research interest is the impact of sleep on both short and long term ICU outcomes. Specifically, would improving sleep in the hospital impact how well or how quickly people recover from illness? His interest in the AftertheICU project stems from his interest in learning from patients about how to improve the care he delivers, and the system of care in the ICU.

Leah Rosenberg, MD

Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, NY

Dr. Rosenberg is a general internist who received her medical degree with Distinction in Research from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. She completed residency in Internal Medicine at Duke University Medical Center and completed fellowship at MGH and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through the Harvard Palliative Care Fellowship. She joined the Palliative Care Division in September 2014. Her interest include the integration of palliative care into general internal medicine practice, medical education and psychosocial issues in seriously ill patients.

Dina Bates, MD

University of California, Division of Pulmonary, San Diego, CA

Dr. Bates is a member of the University of California-San Diego Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, where she has started a clinic for patients who have experienced critical illness. Her research interests are in how best to manage the ventilator for patients with severe lung disease and post-intensive care syndrome.

Stacey Salomon, LICSW

Spaulding Hospital, Cambridge. MA

Stacey Salomon obtained her Master’s Degree in social work at Smith School for Social Work in Northampton, MA. She made the transition from outpatient mental health to hospital clinical social work in 2007, initially working with families before and after lung transplantation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  She now works in the Medical Intensive Care Unit and with a care redesign initiative that aims to increase patient-centered care for chronically critically ill patients who transfer from the ICU to Spaulding Hospital Cambridge. She is interested in increasing and improving goals of care conversations between patients and their providers and decreasing emotional trauma of the ICU experience.

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Post Intensive Care Syndrome

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Post Intensive Care Syndrome, PICS
Post Intensive Care Syndrome, PICS
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