Post Intensive Care Syndrome
Help for Former ICU Patients
Have you or your loved one survived a critical illness and wondered why things aren’t quite right?
We might be able to help. The ICU Recovery Program is a partnership of patients, families, researchers and healthcare providers. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of
those still recovering from the effects of a critical illness.
ICU Recovery Clinic
All patients who were in an ICU on a ventilator, or had sepsis or delirium could benefit from an appointment at our ICU survivor’s clinic. Many patients have lingering issues such as memory loss, depression, anxiety, insomnia, physical limitations and difficulty returning “back to normal”.
To make an appointment: call 617-732-6770 and ask for Thursday morning appointment with Drs. Gerald Weinhouse and Daniela Lamas.
What can we do?
• Psychiatric screening and referral
• Neuro-cognitve screening and referral
• Medication review
• Social services involvement
Peer Support
Connect and learn from others with shared experience. We are one of 6 centers nationwide with informational support groups sponsored by the Society of Critical Care Medicine. To ask about dates for future meetings, email dlamas@aftertheicu.org.